Artisan Guild is made up of Andrea Tarabella and Francesca Musumeci, passionate sculptors and character designers! create stunning 3D printable miniatures to paint and collect.
Elisa (Art Director and 3D Artist) and Daniel (3D Scenery and Social Media), two Spanish artists who like to create 3D printable miniatures to customize your board games and wargaming. Together they form Bite The Bullet.
Cast N Play is a group of artists/players dedicated to creating incredible 3D printable models for board role-playing games.
The models they create are compatible with most traditional games, such as DnD, Pathfinder, Warhammer and others.
What Daybreak Miniatures says about itself:
Florent and Jason are professional sculptors who create characters and creatures for the production of video games similar to Warhammer or Assassin's Creed!